The National Medical Association
For more than 100 years the National Medical Association (NMA) has served as a leading voice for African-American physicians and health professionals in the United States . Since our founding in 1865, we have grown to include more than 25,000 African- American physicians as members of the NMA.
We represent the interest of our members in all medical specialties, we serve as the conscience of the medical profession in the on going fight to eliminate health disparities in the health care delivery system, and we take the lead in helping to shape national polices that affect patient care.
The NMA was founded based on our commitment to improving the quality of health among minorities and all disadvantaged people. Throughout our history we have placed our primary focus on health concerns affecting African Americans and medically underserved populations, however, our principles, goals, initiatives and philosophy embrace all ethnic groups.
We are the nation's only organization devoted to the needs of African-American physicians and their patients. That means we operate as a source of consumer information and professional education, we conduct national consumer education programs on asthma and allergies, cancer, environmental issues, immunization, women's health, cardiovascular disease and stroke, HIV/AIDS, traffic safety, breastfeeding, clinical trials and many other health-related concerns that affect African- Americans. |